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French researchers from IFREMER, CNRS and IRD are coming together to present OneOceanScience

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Isabel Sousa Pinto

The role of kelp forests in mitigating climate change

Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research

The amount of oxygen in the ocean has dropped by close to 2% per decade since 1960.

Solutions to save coral reefs from climate change
Laetitia Hédouin & Serge Planes

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Isabel Sousa Pinto

Isabel Sousa Pinto

Isabel Sousa Pinto is a Professor at the University of Porto and Head of the Aquatic Biodiversity and Conservation group at CIIMAR. Her main research has been on marine biodiversity and ecosystem functioning and services, and how is impacted by climate change, and other drivers. She has a particular focus on kelp forests as well as on algal cultivation and sustainable use.


CIIMAR is a leading research and advanced training institution of the University of Porto, fostering an integrated approach to Ocean and coastal areas to promote the understanding and knowledge of these environments and responses to local and global changes, including climate change. CIIMAR uses knowledge-based approaches to promote natural capital and the sustained management of marine resources through monitoring and promoting ecosystems health, optimization of aquaculture, and biotechnological exploitation of the resources for environmental and human health applications.