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French researchers from IFREMER, CNRS and IRD are coming together to present OneOceanScience

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Matt Mowlem

Marine technology: Helping us to go deeper, further and longer

United KingdomUnited Kingdom
National Oceanography Centre

Over the 2008-2017 decade, the ocean absorbed 2.4 billion tons of carbon per year.

Climate Change and variability impacts to the Tana Delta, Kenya
Edward Njagi

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Matt Mowlem

Matt Mowlem

Matt is the founder of the NOC’s Sensors Development Group and has 23 years of experience at all levels in major analytical system and sensor development. He has published >90 peer-reviewed journal articles, holds 5 granted patents and, works with industry including the development of monitoring technologies for terrestrial water, offshore energy and CO2 capture and storage.

About NOC

NOC is one of the world’s top oceanographic institutions. We provide the UK’s National Capability needed to be a top global player, to lead and participate in international cooperation. We undertake world leading research in large scale oceanography and ocean measurement technology innovation; working with government and business to turn great science and technology into advice and applications.

Our action for climate change

Research carried out by NOC has highlighted how the increasing ice melt is impacting ocean circulation and how changing climate is affecting coastal communities. As well as advancing marine robotics, our scientists are lead authors on the IPCC report, which assessed the evidence of how human activities are altering the ways the oceans absorb and store CO2 from the atmosphere.