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French researchers from IFREMER, CNRS and IRD are coming together to present OneOceanScience

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Kim Woong-Seo

Getting ready for climate change with ocean science

Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology

Over 50% of the reefs forming the Great Barrier Reef died off between 2016 and 2017 due to ocean warming.

The future of Venice: high water in sea level rise scenarios
Debora Bellafiore

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Kim Woong-Seo

Kim Woong-Seo

President Woong-Seo Kim of KIOST is a scientist who has traveled to 5000m underwater when he made his expedition on a French submarine in 2004. Less than ten scientists in Korea have took the challenge of travelling deeper than 1000m underwater so far. Furthermore, he is the author of more than 41 academic papers, owner of 8 patents, and writer of 75 books.



The Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology recently published paper in the Ocean Science Journal (May 2021) on climate change forecasting using its unique Earth system model (KIOST-ESM). In the future, it is expected that Korea will be able to independently produce climate change prediction data and use such data for research.

Our action for climate change

The Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST) is a research and academic organization in the field of science technology specializing in maritime affairs. KIOST also plays a crucial role in researching ocean science and technology as the need arises from government policy to keep up with developing ocean industry trends.