Debora Bellafiore
Researcher at CNR-ISMAR since 2011, Debora Bellafiore is specialized in oceanography and modeling of coastal processes. Her main interests include the study of the local effects of global climatic variations and anthropogenic impacts on the coast. Actively engaged in the Modeling Node in the DANUBIUS-RI research infrastructure, her research is dedicated to interdisciplinary studies on river-sea systems.
The Institute of Marine Sciences of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR-ISMAR) carries out advanced basic and applied research in physical, chemical and biological oceanography and in marine geology. The main objectives are to study oceanic processes and climate variability and to develop integrated multi-disciplinary systems/services for monitoring, protection and sustainable management of the marine environment from the open ocean to coastal areas.
Our action for climate change
CNR-ISMAR contributes to study the natural variability of Earth’s climate and the impact of human activities that are stressing the climate system. The Institute is a key scientific actor in the Mediterranean region maintaining long-term time series of coupled oceanological and meteorological data suitable to permit a quantitative and reliable definition of the ongoing climate change.