Logo One Ocean Science

French researchers from IFREMER, CNRS and IRD are coming together to present OneOceanScience

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Andreas Oschlies

How the ocean can help us take CO2 out of the atmosphere and store it safely in the ocean?

Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel

About 84-90% of marine heatwaves can be attributed to anthropogenic climate warming.

Enabling coastal communities to predict and adapt to the impacts of climate change
Martin LeTissier

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Andreas Oschlies

Andreas Oschlies

Andreas Oschlies studied Physics in Heidelberg (Germany) and Cambrige (UK) and did his PhD at Kiel University. His Postdoc time he spent at LEGOS/CNRS and in Kiel. After a professorship at the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton, UK, he returned in 2006 to Kiel on a full professorship on “Marine Biogeochemical Modelling” at GEOMAR.



GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel is a world-wide leading institute of marine research. We investigate chemical, physical, biological and geological processes of the seafloor, oceans and ocean margins and their interactions with the atmosphere. GEOMAR has a staff of approximately 1,000 individuals and an annual budget of ~80 Million Euros.

Our action for climate change

Ocean and climate” is one the core topics of GEOMAR. We are combining observations, experiments, theory and modelling across a broad range of disciplines and spatial and temporal scales. We deploy and improve ocean observing systems; build, innovate on and use numerical ocean, climate and Earth system models and operate and advance high-end analytical instrumentation and capabilities that allow the development and application of proxies to reconstruct past states of the ocean.