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French researchers from IFREMER, CNRS and IRD are coming together to present OneOceanScience

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Philippe Archambault

Impacts of climate change on biodiversity in the Arctic

Université Laval

The ocean has absorbed 93% of the excess heat from climate changes caused by human activity.

The ecological role of the lagoons of southern Gabon for the recovery of fish stocks

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Philippe Archambault

Philippe Archambault

Philippe Archambault studies benthic ecology and the consequences of anthropogenic and natural disturbances on marine biodiversity and its functioning. It links fundamental and theoretical research on global change, particularly in the Arctic, and its effects on ecosystems to support their management.

About Université Laval

Université Laval’s accomplished and respected professors make the institution a world-renowned hub for research and innovation. Armed with a transdisciplinary approach, they are committed to making positive impacts in the communities where they work.

Our action for climate change

Université Laval is a world leader in the study of the impacts of climate change on arctic and subarctic ecosystems. More than 100 teams are carrying out transformative research aimed at improving our understanding of the northern environment and its impact on humans.